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bigmember all-cotton T-shirts

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bigmember quick spray (several marvelous scents / flavors!)

bigmember winder
(a place to keep those extra inches)


bigmembers University

Looking for quality, extended education in a relaxing atmosphere? Trying to fill the gap between undergraduate school, graduate school, or just looking for good stiff learning? bigmembers University is a fully unaccredited learning institution that offers unparalleled training in some of the most wanted, yet obscure courses in the world. And all of our courses are delivered to you through a secure connection right over the Internet. So its fun, and educational at the same time.

Our Fall Schedule includes such gems as:

  • Shifting the Bend: How to Correct the Curve (Credits=3.2)

  • Extending your Own Briefs: Sewing Methods for Men (Credits= 3)

  • Does She Love Me for Me? The Ins and Outs of Picking a Mate (Credits= 3)

  • Downward Bender 101: Techniques and Treats (Credits= 3)

  • Harvesting the Choyoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo Plant (Credits= 4)

  • Toilet Modification: Its Trials and Tribulations (Credits= 4)
Registration* will be easy, once we figure out how to do it. All courses are $49.99 each. After completion of 20 credits, you will receive a wonderfully framed Degree of Member Awareness. This Degree is actually accepted at 6 Universities as credit toward Genital Husbandry. Among those famous schools are the Kuwait Testicle Consortium AND, believe it or not.....The Tasmania School of Foreskin.

(*Registration restrictions: Because of the fact that this isn't a REAL school, as in Harvard, Yale or The School of Toe Nails in Idaho, we legally cannot, and will not, teach actual courses. We (bigmembers) do not actually issue certificates of completion. We will however still take your money, if you feel so inclined)