Who Are The Gasmasters?
What we can do is tell you a bit about our ethic, without clouding
your vision. Gasmasters is an organization that duly and with fervor...recognizes Our glorification of the gaseous does not fade away with time. Gasmasters move with elegance against the fragrant tide of the odoriferous. We climb to heights unimaginable only decades ago, when most methanogenic materials were held, slowly dispelled, or passed in multiple tiny whimpers. Unappreciated for their complicated worth. So, to sum up the vaporous challenge we have taken upon us.....we have officially and undeniably, if not completely without credence, assembled the very first Master of Gas Certificate (MOG). What does this mean? It means that a holder of an MOG is in a hierarchy by themselves. Incontestible with being detestable. A fume, a plume, or any unique sphinctorial tune. Gasmasters has spent years perfecting the rules and language of acceptance into this elitist group. What are the benefits of a MOG? Please, don't insult us. Just think. Your world, pungent, tell-tale and lasting, will....for the first time....be honored and revered. The odors seared upon the nasal odor defectors of the multitudes. Recognized and registered, for unanimity. Your expelation will be part of the methanogenic nation. Rejoice. Repose. Release. Register. Be proud of your clouds!* Zigfeld Carmen